Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sensors Utilizing Breakout Garden

Breakout Garden Hat for Sensors

An easy option for adding, removing, and prototyping sensor read from a standard Raspberry Pi with no special wiring.

Hardware Component List

  • Raspberry Pi
  • USB Power Cable
  • Pimoroni Breakout Garden Hat
  • 1.12" Mono OLED Breakout 128x128 White/Black Screen
  • BME680 Air Quality, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor
  • LWM303D 6D0F Motion Sensor (X, Y, Z Axes)
  • BH1745 Luminance and Color Sensor
  • LTR-559 Light and Proximity Sensor 0.01 lux to 64,000 lux
  • VL53L1X Time of Flight (TOF) Sensor Pew Pew Lasers!

Software Component List

  • Raspian
  • Python 2.7
  • JDK 8 Java
  • Apache NiFi
  • MiniFi

Source Code

  • http://bit.ly/2BPW3Ha

    from DZone.com Feed http://bit.ly/2R0yrtD

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