Thursday, January 31, 2019

Running JAXB xjc Compiler With OpenJDK 11

As described in the post "APIs To Be Removed from Java 11," a JAXB implementation is no longer included with JDK 11. In this post, I look at using the xjc compiler provided with the JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) reference implementation in conjunction with OpenJDK 11 to compile XML schema files into Java classes.

Prior to Java SE 6, developers wanting to use JAXB with a Java SE application needed to acquire a JAXB implementation separately because one was not provided with the Java distribution. A JAXB implementation was included with Java starting with Java SE 6. This was convenient in many cases but made things a bit more difficult when developers wished to use a newer version or different implementation of JAXB than the one provided with the JDK. When modularity was introduced with OpenJDK 9, the JAXB implementation was moved into the java.xml.bind module and was marked as deprecated for removal. The JAXB implementation was removed altogether with JDK 11. This post looks into using JAXB's xjc compiler with OpenJDK 11.

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