Thursday, January 31, 2019

Book Review: 'The Apache Ignite Book'


Last year, as I was working with Apache Ignite, and I was desperately in search of a book that I could rely upon to answer my questions and help me learn the product in a holistic manner. And as my search was on, I bumped into the book by Shamim Ahmed Bhuiyan, Michael Zheludkov, and Timur Isachenko. I was super impressed with it as I scanned through the book. I also put up a review of that version of the book here.

The Apache Ignite BookThe product Apache ignite has been evolving at a rapid speed. It introduced many new features, different architectural revamps, etc., as the new versions were released. But as the new features got added with the newly released versions, there came a need for a new version of the book covering these new features. I found out Shamim Ahmed Bhuiyan and Michael Zheludkov

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