Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Serverless Computing: Ready for Prime Time

The cloud ushered in a fundamental change in the way applications are deployed. Instead of worrying about how much-dedicated hardware to order for your data center, you simply spin up as many servers as you need to do the job, then decommission them once the job is done. Yet, you still have to plan how many servers you will need at each stage of processing; you still have to remember to decommission them when done, and you pay for the entire virtual machine during the time you use it, even though the server may be idle for most of that time.

The next stage in the evolution of the cloud is serverless computing. After all, the servers you order in the cloud are only a means to an end — they provide the plumbing needed to run your code in response to various events. In the serverless computing paradigm, you supply the set of events and the code to run when each event occurs. The cloud takes care of all the rest: identifying when an event has occurred and, in response to that event, deploying the relevant code to a server, running the code, and then decommissioning the server. The cloud also provides elasticity, i.e., it will automatically run as many instances of your code as needed to handle the workload.

from DZone.com Feed http://bit.ly/2R3kQ4O

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