Friday, June 29, 2018

Mocking REST API with WireMock — Recording and Manual Modes

Current Challenges (Use Case)

I am a cloud architect and an API developer. I have seen these frequent issues in API development during the development phase. Currently, Dev/QA environment is impacted by frequent third-party APIs outages and other service environment issues. It affects Dev/QA teams productivity and happens often, which stops all the development and testing work. There is a need for a mocking API server, which will sync with the main 3rd party servers (service provider) and cache the API response periodically on the mock server for Dev/QA environment. So, when 3rd party REST API services are down then dev and testing work won't be impacted on Dev/QA servers.


This tutorial will cover installation and usage of Wiremock for using open source WireMock. The objective of using WireMock is to use as a backup mock server in the failover/outage of the actual REST APIs.

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