Saturday, June 30, 2018

Are You an Architect?

Over twenty five years ago, in 1992, at an OOPSLA workshop in Vancouver, Kent Beck, in answer to the question, "What is an architect?" said, according to Philippe Kruchten, that it is "a new pompous title that programmers demand to have on their business cards to justify their sumptuous emoluments." Not much has changed since then. There is a big difference between a smart programmer and a project architect. Here is a list of traits that I believe a good architect has.

She/He Is Loyal

Programmers come and go. They are, as I mentioned many times before, egoists with a strong focus on their personal profit. They change projects, they work on multiple projects at the same time, they have no personal attachments to any piece of code. They worry only about their individual tasks and feature branches. Is the branch merged? All bets are off. Professional developers are "polygamous" and disloyal.

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