Saturday, June 30, 2018

Cassandra/DataStax Enterprise 6 Clusters: Marketplace Options

As I have stepped full speed into work and research at DataStax, there were a few things I needed as soon as I could possibly get them and put them together. Before even diving into development, use case examples, or reference application development, I needed to have some clusters built up. The Docker image is great for some simple local development, but beyond that, I wanted to have some live 3+ node clusters to work with. The specific deployed and configured use cases I had included:

  1. I wanted to have a DataStax Enterprise 6 Cassandra Cluster up and running ASAP. A cluster that would be long-lived that I could developer sample applications against, use for testing purposes, and generally develop against from a Cassandra and DSE purpose.
  2. I wanted to have an easy to use cluster setup for Cassandra — just the OSS deployment — possibly coded and configured for deployment with Terraform and related scripts necessary to get a 3 node cluster up and running in Google Cloud Platform, Azure, or AWS.
  3. I wanted a DataStax Enterprise 6 enabled deployment, which would showcase some of the excellent tooling DataStax has built around the database itself.

I immediately set out to build solutions for these three requirements.

from Feed

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