Thursday, June 28, 2018

Every Free Software Community Needs a Code of Conduct

The Conjur team spends a lot of time thinking about security policies. We create them regularly for our own operations and to help our clients succeed in securing their infrastructure. They are our primary tool for communicating about how we will grant access and maintain control. But our technology is not the only thing we're concerned about protecting from bad actors: people too are vulnerable, and so we are also making plans to respond to harassment and abuse.

Like a security policy, a code of conduct is a communication tool to help your team improve its standards, practice good social hygiene, and be prepared to handle stressful situations without causing injury. (Here's ours.) This perspective is the key to avoiding a classic pitfall of community management: the attitude that says—we're all adults, we don't need written rules to tell us to treat each other kindly.

from Feed

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