Thursday, June 28, 2018

Create Versatile Microservices in Golang — Part 10 (Summary)

Wow, what a journey it has been! These posts took months to finish. The first post started in late 2017, we're halfway through 2018, and I'm just writing the final post.

It took a lot of effort and hard work to get here. It was a fairly daunting task, first because my own understanding was sketchy in parts. In fact, part of the reason I began writing these was to cement my own understanding and to get feedback on my approach from the community, and it couldn't have gone any better in that respect. I've learned so, so much and I've spoken to some awesome, super smart people throughout who have helped me so much. Second, the sheer amount of content I had to write to cover each stage of writing a microservice, to deploying it, covering all of those different technologies, databases, service providers, and best practices was one of the hardest things outside of work I've ever embarked upon.

from Feed

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