Thursday, November 29, 2018

Monoliths to Microservices: Scale Changes Everything

It was a dark and stormy night last week in Austin when engineering leaders from Under Armour, BigCommerce, and Indeed delivered lightning talks about their microservices nightmares. While the specific details across the three companies differed, there were some common themes about the pains and lessons learned from operating microservices at scale.

Complexity Is Inevitable

One common theme across all presenters was that microservices are inherently complex and if their creation and deployment aren’t properly controlled, a proliferation of multiple languages and redundant tools makes things much harder. In some cases, this heterogeneous environment is the product of acquisitions where each team selected different tools and created their services in different languages. In other cases, it’s the result of newly autonomous engineering teams operating like it’s the Wild West; picking whatever technologies they want and duplicating functionality.

from Feed

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