Friday, November 30, 2018

Improving Your Regression Testing Projects Through Automation

What Is Regression Testing?

Regression testing, also known as repeated testing, is the process of ensuring all the old functionalities still correctly work with new changes. In other words, regression testing tests an already tested application to find defects resulting from changes. This is a common step in any software development process and is done by testing specialists. Testers do regression testing by re-executing tests against a modified application to evaluate whether the revised code breaks anything which was working earlier. The only reason regression testing might not work is that changing or adding new code to a program can easily introduce errors into code that is not intended to be changed. Regression testing is required in the following scenarios:

  • When the code is modified according to a change of the requirements
  • When new functionality is added
  • While fixing defects
  • While fixing performance issues

Why Should Regression Testing Be Automated?

Let’s consider an example and how to perform regression testing in that situation. At the beginning of a project, assuming we have six developers and two testers, the Agile model is set up every two weeks for a sprint.

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