Friday, November 30, 2018

What Are Microservices? And Why You'll Love Them

So, you have this awesome app. Everyone loves it. You know it, I know it. It's just the bee's knees. Awesome! But now, because you made the COOLEST thing ever, more people are using it. That increased traffic has stressed your servers, but more importantly it's stressing out the company because "We can't scale fast enough." What are you to do? Well I'd be a horrible "blogger" if I didn't at least try to help. So let's give this post the ol' college try.

Microservices, as the name suggests, are REEEEEALLY small services that make up a single application. Actually, the size (read number of lines of code) is a hard thing to pin down. Basically instead of building millions of lines of code (a monolithic app), you break out the app into logical sections that all perform a specific job. There is no set definition for what constitutes a microservice. It's more of a guideline, kinda like REST. Is your app doing all the things? Is your app only deployable as a single entity? Then you're probably looking at a monolithic app. Can you scale a single part of your app to meet current load? Are you able to redeploy just a small subset of your app when you have a new release? Then that's probably a microservice. Here's why you'll love them.....

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