Tuesday, October 30, 2018

How to Be a 20x Engineer (Instead of a 10x Engineer)

We’ve all heard about the 10x engineer phrase, haven’t we? Did you know that the original study back in the 1960s actually mentions a 20x difference between a great engineer and a bad one? It compared initial coding time, debugging time, program execution speed, program size…quite a thorough study, but definitely with some flaws (hey, it was the ‘60s). The general consensus is a 10x difference. I personally think that the difference can even be 20x for really great engineers, and I will explain why in this article.

Note that this difference becomes even more important if your product happens to be successful and scalable. There is nothing like code that is maintainable and scales. You can put 20 bad engineers to work on it, but they won’t achieve what a great one can. (Well…actually, I guess you just can’t build a scalable product with only bad engineers. But that’s not the focus of this article.)

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/2JpUQKa

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