Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Payara Platform's Journey to Jakarta EE 8 Compatibility

At Java One last year, Oracle announced that they had made the monumental decision to open source Java EE and move it to the Eclipse Foundation. As Oracle Code One (the successor conference to Java One) comes around, I thought it would be good to reflect on where we are and how far we still have to go.

For the Payara team, this has been a very interesting year. Payara has become strategic members of the Eclipse Foundation in order to drive both MicroProfile and Jakarta EE forward. I personally have become a director of the Eclipse Foundation and many of our team members have become committers and project leads on many of the Jakarta EE projects. As a team, we have had to rapidly become familiar with the Eclipse way of working in a multi-vendor collaborative organization with committees, paperwork, global conference calls at odd hours, as well as tracking and responding on many different mailing lists. These are the necessary evils that come with organizational collaboration, and at times, it can be frustrating and seem a little fruitless. On the flip side, I have also found all the organizations involved open and welcoming and everyone involved is acting in good faith for the best interests of developers and end users that want a free, open, and standards-based platform on which to develop business applications. We have all been feeling our way in this process, but now, things are gathering pace more rapidly.

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