Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lean Architecture

Architecture is a longstanding metaphor for software design and construction and particularly for programming-in-the-large. Software engineering has largely embraced this metaphor in many forms, ranging from the use of the software title "architect" to the metaphors offered by the pattern discipline.

Architecture is the form of any system created through conscious design, and it thus has strong human elements both in its process and its product. The term form implies a deep mental model of the essence of some structure. A structure has form; a given form awaits implementation in structure. For example, an image comes into your mind when we invoke the word "chair." For most people it’s not a wholly concrete image; it may not even have a color until the question causes you to assign it one. We might suggest that we meant to have you think of a five-legged chair and, although you are likely to have envisioned only four legs, you likely will not protest that such a structure violates the form of a chair. Architecture drives to the essence of a system.

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