Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Future Of The Application Stack

If you have built and deployed an application in production over the last few years, odds are that you have deployed your code in containers. You might have created and deployed individual containers (Docker, Linux LXC, etc.) directly in the beginning, but quickly switched over to a container orchestration technology like Kubernetes (K8s) or Swarm when you needed to coordinate multi-node deployments and high availability (HA). In this container-driven world, what will the future of the application stack look like? Let’s start with what we need from this “future” application stack.

What Do We Need From This Future Application Stack?

  1. Cloud Agnostic

    We want to be cloud agnostic with the ability to deploy to any cloud of our choice. Ideally, we can even mix in various providers in a single deployment.
  2. On-Premise

    We need to be able to run our application stack on-premise with our own custom hardware, private cloud, and internally managed datacenters.
  3. Language Agnostic

    It almost goes with saying, but I’ll add it in for completeness. The future open stack needs to support all of the popular programming languages.

The Future Application Stack

The future application stack will be composed of a triad of technologies – K8s, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS):

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