Wednesday, October 31, 2018

5 Effective Ways to Reduce Custom Software Development Costs

Too many software projects fail. Yup, we did it! Someone had to address the elephant in the room. Planning inadequacies and lack of communication are the essential reasons for the failure of custom software development, way more than technical incompetencies or unattainable requirements. Custom software development is far from quintessential and thus, the word “custom.” There might be a few similarities between some projects, but each project is a cluster of innovative ideas and business logic.

A recent Harvard Business Review article revealed that one in six IT projects has a cost overrun of 200%. Sounds like an industry that loves to fail. So, how can we reduce the expense of custom software development? Do it yourself? That goal is unreachable when it comes to software. And it is unimaginable to think that a modern business can prosper without software. As a result, costs skyrocket and eventually might even displace the company’s overall profit, especially for a startup and new small firm. Then, is there even a way to develop a custom software without losing all your money? Can we save costs in software development & maintenance? Absolutely.

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