Sunday, December 27, 2020

How Will DevOps Change in 2021?

To look at the future we need to consider the past. As a result of the pandemic there has been a need for industries to adapt and attempt to accelerate given the ever-changing circumstances. The need to adapt and accelerate will remain and DevOps will play a key role in both change and acceleration. Here are a number of changes that will occur in 2021:

  • Multi-cloud will continue at pace. Many organizations had a preference for a single cloud provider, like AWS, but over time and especially during 2020, that approach has changed to adopt a multi-cloud approach. Where the right cloud (tool) is picked for the job so that organizations take advantage of best-of-market innovations and capabilities as they appear. There can be concerns of cloud lock-in if an organization is all in on one cloud vendor. Additionally, there is a risk mitigation if there is a service outage in a cloud vendor that is your single provider. The result is a proliferation of cloud providers in an organization, resulting in a need for DevOps engineers to increase knowledge across providers.

    from Feed

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