Thursday, December 31, 2020

How to Make Your Reviewer Cry Using Java Optional

I think code review is one of the best sources of inspiration. I see it as an opportunity to learn new things from other software developers sending pull/merge requests. Moreover, sometimes you may need to study a specific subject with more details regarding the under review code. Usually, this process leads to a more profound knowledge of that domain. However, there’s still another fact about code review: after a while, you face some common mistakes. Recently, I reviewed a feature in which I saw an Optional pitfall. Honestly, I had seen that issue several times in different merge requests sent by several developers (from beginners to experienced ones).

I know that there are tonnes of articles regarding Java Optional, some of which are quite useful like this one (although I have arguments against some of the cases mentioned in the article) by Anghel Leonard, the author of Java Coding Problems. I don’t want to repeat all of the contents you can simply find by googling. I intend to talk about some of the most common and least addressed pitfalls regarding Optional usage.

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