Thursday, December 31, 2020

Avengers of the Container World, Episode 1: Podman Hands-On

CRI-O and Podman have been widely adapted by most of the modern container platforms. In this blog, I will explore why everybody is gaga about this new ecosystem of tools/utilities and share some of my experience in this series.

I got a lot of feedback, after I published my blog on Containers and evolution of Containers (you can read it here 'Evolution of k8s worker nodes - CRI-O'). One of the common questions asked, is how Podman is different from Docker and how the new ecosystem of podman+buildah+cri-o+skopio different from what we do with docker... so I wanted to do a deep dive on these things, and share some of my experiences with this new ecosystem of container runtime and management tools/utilities.

from Feed

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