Friday, March 1, 2019

Should We Really Worry About Bots Taking Our Jobs?

The promise of technology has always been about freeing up human capital so that it becomes available to value-adding activities inside the enterprise. The advent of new technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) marks a paradigm shift in the utilization of the workforce. RPA makes use of new technology and bots to automate workflows traditionally done by technology and human intervention, which previously required some level of structured decision making. With the digital workers (bots), the adoption of such automated workflows is becoming common, and it replaces the human elements. But now, the age-old controversy has come back to the limelight — will digital workers replace humans?

The change in employability outlook is influenced by the trend that machines, powered by Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, are becoming more capable of performing tasks that used to be exclusively in the human realm. — The star

Bots Are Changing the Way We Work

Bots are beginning to have a huge impact on the way B2B and B2C businesses operate.

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