Sunday, March 31, 2019

Reporting on the Status of Clones During Database Development

The author uses SQL Clone, PowerShell, and Visio to build a live "clone network" diagram that shows when there was last activity on each clone and the number of object changes made to each one, alongside useful metadata such as the clone and image sizes, who created them, and when.

SQL Clone's dashboard gives plenty of summary information about the cloned databases, such as their size, when they were created, who by, and its location. All the clone-specific metrics such as the image size are displayed somewhere in the console. However, during development, I might want to know more than this, such as the number of object (metadata) changes made to each of the clones since they were created, and whether anyone is actively any of the clones. If I know these details, then I can make sure that no changes are lost if a clone is reverted or refreshed and, in the spirit of enlightened harmony between Ops and Development, avoid deleting a clone if someone is using it.

from Feed

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