Sunday, March 31, 2019

Self-Contained, Rich Web Application JARs

Self-contained JAR files are taking Java web projects by storm, providing great simplification in complex and bloated enterprise containers world. Thanks to the libraries like Dropwizard and Spring Boot, you can build a complete application environment executed from a single file in just a few lines of code.

The question is: how difficult could a project be? Obviously, it can include the whole backend logic, but what about web interfaces? Can they be the part of a single JAR file? Sure they do; Java offers a lot of decent templating and rendering frameworks to build complicated document structures. The problem is that, nowadays, web applications are, in fact, a lot more than just a simple documents network. Users expect dynamic, stateful, single-page applications with all the bells and whistles offered by the modern JavaScript libraries (as a matter of fact, developers also want to work with the latest JavaScript frameworks).

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