Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Top 7 Infrastructure-As-Code Tools For Automation

Since its inception over a decade ago, Infrastructure-as-Code, or IaC, has been transformative in the way IT infrastructure is set up and managed today. Historically, setting up new infrastructure meant stacking physical servers, configuring network cables, and housing hardware in a capable data center. Today, setting up more performance efficient, cost-effective, and secure infrastructure can all be done using software. Furthermore, thanks to the evolution away from legacy change management, by adopting consistent routines for provisioning and changing systems as well as their configuration help teams roll out thoroughly validated, yet fully, unattended new processes in minutes rather than days.

The wealth of cloud services and infrastructure tooling options now certainly make IaC even more appealing for developers. The use of infrastructure as code means IT infrastructure can be fully provisioned from source code rather than manually. IaC opens the door to the complete automation and configuration of infrastructure, with cloud elements such as servers, networks, and databases being treated similarly to software.

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