Friday, March 1, 2019

Build and Share Your Analysis With Arcade Analytics

Every time you perform studies, investigations, or analyses in general, you usually need to prepare a good presentation of the main results through some effective charts and graphics. Then, once you've built a dashboard showing the outcome of your specific study, the next step is to share the graphics with all the people you want to make aware of your results. Often, in most products, sharing consists of a simple image export, but what if you could share interactive widgets or dashboards in your blog post for your readers?

You can have all of this by using Arcade Analytics, an open source platform that allows you to create and share captivating and effective reports by composing different widgets in complex dashboards. You can enjoy several widgets, e.g. the most specific Graph Widget, that allows users to query, handle, and visualize data in a graph, making the connections in your dataset very easy to understand. Then you can exploit traditional widgets like tables, pie, and bar charts and so on, in order to query your data, perform full-text searches, and compute data distributions.

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