Monday, July 30, 2018

Scrum and XP

I've been fortunate enough to speak at several conferences on Agile developer practices. I presented at many Scrum Gatherings both in the United States and in Europe. I've also presented at several of the big Agile conferences as well as the smaller technical conferences such as deliver:Agile and most recently, Craft Con in Budapest.

Most of the time at these conferences, I ask the audience two questions and I'm always surprised by the answers I get. I ask how many people are doing Scrum and most of the audience raises their hands. Then I ask how many teams are doing the Extreme Programming (XP) practices and nearly all the hands go down. I usually see far less than 1% of the audience who says that they're doing Extreme Programming. Some people looked puzzled and even asked me what Extreme Programming is.

from Feed

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