Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Oracle vs. Hadoop

Although Hadoop and Big Data (whatever that is) are the new kids on the block, don’t be too quick to write off relational database technology. In this article, I’ll explain the differences (and benefits) of both solutions.

Hadoop Is NOT a Database!

As much as the marketing hype would have us believe, Hadoop is NOT a database, but a collection of open-source software that runs as a distributed storage framework (HDFS) to manage very large data sets. Its primary purpose is the storage, management, and delivery of data for analytical purposes. It’s hard to talk about Hadoop without getting into keywords and jargon (for example, Impala, YARN, Parquet, and Spark), so I’ll start by explaining the basics.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/2mVA8Hv

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