Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fluent Design Style Radio Button, Check Box, Menu And Choice Box For JavaFX

I have a big update for JMetro this time. Version 3.8 brings the following new Fluent Design(FDS) inspired styles (dark and light) and updates:

  • New Radio Button style;
  • New style for Check Box;
  • New style for Menus;
  • Updated style for Context Menu;
  • New style for Choice Box.

JMetro New Version Details

I decided to, for now, switch focus off on the JMetro samples. I still styled the controls to look good and have a distinct appearance when they are focused, though. I’ve done this because the focus ring functions a bit different in Windows 10 than it does, by default, in JavaFX applications.

from DZone.com Feed https://ift.tt/2Aog6yP

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