Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mulesoft 4.0 BETA (File to File Transfers)

The new feature invoked in 4.0 BETA version for File Connector is quite different and enhanced as compared to the File Connector used in earlier versions of Anypoint Studio.

Step 1: Create a New Mule Project as Shown Namely as File2File

  • Drag and drop an HTTP listener Connector to get a request for your servers and give the host and port numbers. Here, the host is set to: and port to 8087 and test your connection to check if the port is in use or not and test it successfully.
  • Set the path to: /File2File and set a successful response message. Here, setting File Transferred Successfully.
  • By default, Mule 4.0 do not have File Module so use Palette to add it.

Step 2: Click on Add Module and Select File to Add Extension 

  • Earlier Mule version has only one file connector which can be used for both inbound and outbound operations based on its position but new version supports different operations as shown :

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