Thursday, May 31, 2018

Java's String.format Can Be Statically Imported

JDK-8203630 ["Add instance method equivalents for String::format"] postulates that "the argument for implementing String::format as static appears to be that the format methods could be imported statically and thus conduct themselves comparably to C's sprintf." On a thread on the subject, Brandon Yarbrough writes, "by making the method static you can use format in a way that's very familiar and clean-looking to C programmers used to printf()." Yarbrough provides a code example and then concludes, "By using static imports, printfs look almost exactly like they do in C. Awesome!"

When I read in JDK-8203630 about this, I wondered to myself why I had not statically imported String.format when I've used it because it seems obvious to me now to do that. In this post, I look briefly at some personal theories I have considered to explain why I (and many others apparently) have not thought to statically import String.format consistently.

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