Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Groovy Additions to the Java 8 Date/Time API

After suffering through java.util.Date and Calendar for many years, Java 8's Date/Time API was a welcome and groovy addition to Java SE in and of itself. Groovy's upcoming 2.5 and 3.0 releases, however, make it even groovier.

To follow along with the examples, you will need to download either Groovy 2.5-rc1 or Groovy 3.0-alpha-2 (or later releases in those 2.5 or 3.0 lines). Date/Time API-related features are not available in Groovy 2.6 as that version is intended to be a Groovy 3.0 backport for Java 7, which predates the Date/Time API.

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