Thursday, May 27, 2021

How is Orchestration Fixing Big Data Management Challenges For Digital Enterprises?

If global companies manage their data efficiently, they would never have to lock horns with deploying data science strategies. It does sound simple until you know that ‘efficiently’ is an ocean of complexities and beyond the expertise of most businesses. Capturing and orchestrating data is a rough path but a necessity to undo data silos and provide immediate results to on-demand search queries. And that is why we need data orchestration that is purposefully meant to enable quick access and yet protect it from widespread fragmentation.

How Does Big Data Orchestration Work? 

Orchestration tools are a middleware layer between the data warehouse (source points) and the business applications such as CRM, BI Analytics, etc. Through pre-built connectors and API adapters, these tools perform rapid integration of all source points with the main silos. It simplifies data monitoring from a single point while enabling the teams to perform seamless fetching. All of this is achieved without having to develop custom scripts or devoting additional resources.

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