Monday, May 31, 2021

Big Data + MySQL = Mission InnoPossible?

Cover Image: Big Data and MySQL


If you’re a MySQL DBA or a developer that deals with MySQL instances daily, it will probably not come as a surprise if you hear that you should not run big data sets on MySQL. Ask almost any MySQL DBA, and you will hear something like:

  • "MySQL is not a fit!"
  • "Have you looked into NoSQL?"
  • "Use MongoDB."

Some of these responses indeed have merit — for example, NoSQL-based database management systems such as MongoDB can certainly be useful when dealing with big data sets. However, contrary to popular belief, MySQL shouldn’t be so quickly ruled out — in some scenarios, MySQL (or MariaDB) might prove to be even better options for big data than their NoSQL counterparts! In this article, we will explore the things you should consider when answering the question: “Is MySQL a good option for my big data project?”

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