Thursday, August 30, 2018

How to Protect Yourself From DDoS Attacks

What Is a DDOS Attack?

The principle of a DDOS attack is to send a very large number of requests from several points in a short period of time. This results in an overload of the server since its resources are exhausted. As a result, the server will fail during this period, or, even worse, it may even be inaccessible. However, the main problem is not the fact that the server is unavailable; it is the security of the information contained in this server. Indeed, during a DDOS attack, hackers can penetrate the information system and, thus, benefit at the expense of the company.

There are usually three categories of motivations behind DDoS attacks: political, retaliation and financial. Political attackers target those who disagree with their political, social, or religious beliefs. When a botnet or a large cybercriminal network is dismantled, it can trigger retaliatory attacks against those who have aided or abetted the authorities. Money-driven attacks follow a "pay-to-play" scheme in which hackers are compensated by a third party who asks them to lead the attack for it. Whatever the motivation, the result is the same — your network and online services become unavailable and can stay that way for a long time.

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