Friday, August 31, 2018

Reviewing FASTER (Part 2): Let’s Start With Managed Code

The last post commented on the FASTER paper, now I’m getting to reading the code. This is a pleasant change of scenery for me since FASTER is written in C# (there is a C++ port that I’ll also be going through later). As someone who spends most of their time in C#, that makes it much easier to go through the code. On the other hand, this was clearly written by someone who spent most of their time in C++. This means that naming conventions and the general approach to writing the code sometimes directly contradict C# conventions. Some of that really bugs me.

The first thing I did was to try to run the benchmark on my own machine to get relative numbers. It died with an AccessViolationException, which was a disappointment. I’m going to ignore that and just read through the code. One thing that I did notice when reading through the benchmark code is that this piece:

from Feed

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