Friday, August 31, 2018

A Crash Course on Serverless With AWS — Triggering Lambda With SNS Messaging

If you're like me, a sucker for event-driven programming, you'll want to continue reading. Today we'll take a look at triggering AWS Lambda functions from AWS SNS messages. I've covered a few interesting topics regarding serverless architectures and AWS already, but nothing like this yet. Dig down, and get ready. Let's go.


Note: All the code from this tutorial is already on GitHub if you want to check out the end result right away.

What Are We Building?

Our focus will solely be on the steps to create the infrastructure components our app will need. The code itself will just mimic the behavior of a random complex computation. I've chosen a recursive function that calculates the factorial of the number passed to it. Here's a nice diagram, because diagrams are awesome of course!

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