Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Global State of Digital Trust Survey and Index 2018

Great talking to Mo Rosen, Senior Vice President and General Manager Cybersecurity at CA Technologies about their Global State of Digital Trust Study and index 2018.

The last year has put our faith in the digital economy to the test. The companies that we trusted to be good stewards of our data have failed us. According to the Verizon Data Breach Incident Report, there have been more than 2,216 confirmed data breaches in the last year, and Mark Zuckerberg was on the congressional hot seat for Facebook’s mishandling of the data of 87 million users. There is a lot to question about whether consumers should trust organizations with their data. Ultimately, the pain of poor data stewardship is felt by all of us, as consumers, when our personal information is breached and our identities are stolen.

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