Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Cloud Challenge: Choice Paralysis and the Bad Strategy of “On-Premising” the Cloud

The cloud is vast. It is natural that we look at the cloud and understand it through the narrow lens of our previous experiences. This can translate into solutions that underutilize/overutilize one area of the cloud over other areas. Innovative and robust solutions often require the use of the full spectrum.

Most companies are migrating to the cloud because they want to unlock new business opportunities, but many of them stumble because they continue to build solutions that are only suitable for on-premises. Imagine your IT workloads are on servers that sit in the basement of your corporate office. Would moving these servers to the first floor of that office open any new opportunities for your business? Of course not. Lifting and shifting your servers to the cloud might save you money, but it certainly won’t take you any further. The first and most important thing to remember about the cloud is that the cloud is not a place, it is a model. Building for the cloud requires a mindset change, not a location change. 

from Feed

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