Monday, March 28, 2022

4 Key Flow Metrics for Agile Teams

What Is Flow Engineering and Why Does It Matter for Software Delivery?

Flow Engineering is the science of creating, visualizing, and optimizing the flow of value from your company to the customers. It addresses the million-dollar (likely more) challenge of most product companies is: How do we create value in the form of products and services and ship this value to our customers as quickly, sustainably and frictionless as possible.

From a product management point of view, we might look at how quickly we can achieve customer adoption and satisfaction. From an engineering platform point of view, we might look at DevOps metrics such as DORA, which have a similar aim. And from a software development point of view, we might look at code quality and the number of features shipped. All these different viewpoints have something in common: we want to measure and optimize the flow from our ideas to implementation and product delivery.  

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