Thursday, March 31, 2022

Teaching r workshop rn until 7 join if you wanna learn

submitted by /u/socratesoftoday
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from programming

Modeling and managing time series

submitted by /u/massus
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Best practices to increase the speed for Next.js apps

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Kestra: A Scalable Open-Source Orchestration and Scheduling Platform

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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PIX 2203.30: Export to C++, UI changes and more!

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

MongoDB: User Cases, Pros, and Cons.

MongoDB is a document-based database management system commonly used for high-volume data storage. It is an easy tool to manage data and was developed to substitute the MySQL structure, as the growth of data required new tools for its management. MySQL became outdated for its lack of flexibility for reformatting data structures. The problem lies within a table-based design, as it makes the set of multivariate search queries finite. Enterprises rely on a combination of structured and unstructured data for business decisions, giving MongoDB rapid growth. 

MySQL is a table-based system or open-source relational database, while MongoDB is also called an object-based system. A table-based design is the data query structure for search, where all data is related to another data point or set. Data in MongoDB, on the contrary, is non-relational. Instead of using tables and rows, MongoDB makes collections and documents. The documents are formed from key-value pairs – the core units of the system. Unlike rows, documents can store information that is complex in structure. Sets of documents and functions are united in the collections, which can be equivalent to relational database tables. MongoDB allows you to represent store arrays, hierarchical relationships, and other more complex structures.

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Chrome 101: Federated Credential Management Origin Trial, Media Capabilities for WebRTC, and More

submitted by /u/myroon5
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from programming

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A GNU/Linux journalist asks for some help

submitted by /u/Dhylan
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from programming

Designing Your First GraphQL Schema

Building schemas are a key part of building a graph. Schemas are one of the major benefits of using GraphQL. The schema defines how clients can retrieve data from your GraphQL API. With schemas, you can easily shape and evolve your data to fit your specific business, product, or project needs. If you’re new to the GraphQL world, you might be wondering how you can build flexible and evolvable schemas.

In this article, we’ll go over some principles to keep in mind when designing your own GraphQL schema. Before getting started, here are a few things you should know:

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Twelve things I learned about Java during my last code review

submitted by /u/Adventurous-Salt8514
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from programming

Monitor Kubernetes Events With Falco For Free

Kubernetes is now the platform of choice for many companies to manage their applications both on-premises and in the cloud. Its emergence a few years ago drastically changed the way we work. The flexibility of this platform has allowed us to increase the productivity of the engineering teams, thus requiring new working methods more adapted to this dynamic environment.

Kubernetes requested an adaptation of the security control processes to ensure the continuity of the reliability of this system. Falco is a tool that fits into this ecosystem.

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Docker founder Solomon Hykes launches Dagger, a new DevOps startup – TechCrunch

submitted by /u/omko
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from programming

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Built-in Test Runner Is Coming to Node and Why You Should Care

submitted by /u/latinagirl23
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Getting Started With Storing Vue Data in Vuex

Vuex is a state management library that lets us handle and ultimately store data from our UI. In this article, we'll be introducing you to the concepts around Vuex, how to use it, and how to store your data locally with it.

What Is Vuex?

You are probably familiar with the concept of state, which is just a fancy way of saying data. We can store the state in Vue within the data() function itself. For example, in the below Vue component, we are storing a toggle state as false, and whenever we click our button in the template section, we set it to true:

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The Cone Model for Teams' Support Network

submitted by /u/deofooo
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from programming

CRUD Operations With MongoDB Using Mulesoft

In this article, I will explain how to implement CRUD operations in Mule 4 using the MongoDB Connector.


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Value Stream Management Essentials

Value stream management (VSM) is the lean practice of monitoring, evaluating, and continually improving an organization’s software delivery process. In this Refcard, explore everything VSM has to offer, including key concepts, fundamentals, and more.

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How to Set Up Your Own Heroku-like Cloud (PAAS) in 10 Minutes

submitted by /u/onteri
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from programming

Monday, March 28, 2022

4 Key Flow Metrics for Agile Teams

What Is Flow Engineering and Why Does It Matter for Software Delivery?

Flow Engineering is the science of creating, visualizing, and optimizing the flow of value from your company to the customers. It addresses the million-dollar (likely more) challenge of most product companies is: How do we create value in the form of products and services and ship this value to our customers as quickly, sustainably and frictionless as possible.

From a product management point of view, we might look at how quickly we can achieve customer adoption and satisfaction. From an engineering platform point of view, we might look at DevOps metrics such as DORA, which have a similar aim. And from a software development point of view, we might look at code quality and the number of features shipped. All these different viewpoints have something in common: we want to measure and optimize the flow from our ideas to implementation and product delivery.  

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12 Best React Admin Templates Under $100 [2022 Choice] - Flatlogic Blog

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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from programming

Reindexing in WSO2 API-M to Display APIs in Publisher

WSO2 API-M 3.2.0 uses indexing to display API details in Publisher and DevPortal. Say you have API-M set up and running with Oracle or some other database and you have created some APIs in the Publisher. If the database password expires somehow and you restart the API-M server after the DB password reset, sometimes all the previously created APIs are not visible in Publisher after the server restart. But on checking in the database from the SQL developer or other DB tools, all the APIs can be seen.

To resolve this issue, the API data in the database needs to be reindexed. We can add the below reindexing configuration in the <Product_Home>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and then restart the API-M server. That should resolve the issue. 

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Why do bad managers prefer waterfall development?

submitted by /u/austinwiltshire
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Collaborative storytelling experiment

submitted by /u/ggerganov
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from programming

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Simple 1 Minute basic programming video , it's a start for video editing. !

submitted by /u/WabbaLubbaDubDbb
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from programming

Ransomware as a Service: The Trending Business Model for Attacks

Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) is the new and trending business model for ransomware attacks. It’s a decentralized and mostly automated mode of distribution to support the fast-growing demands of ransomware operators.

Currently, the attackers behind ransomware campaigns are constantly looking for ways to maximize profit (and minimize the effort). The RaaS framework can be used by anyone, even without any coding skills, as it provides essential tools to implement encryption and communication with command-and-control servers quickly.

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Programming languages blogs

submitted by /u/Significant-Art-4738
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3 Steps to Developing a Successful GitOps Model

This is an article from DZone's 2022 DevOps Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

What Is GitOps and Why Is it Important for an Organization?

GitOps is a model to automate and manage infrastructure and applications. This is done by using the same DevOps best practices that many teams already use, such as version control, code review, and CI/CD pipelines. While implementing DevOps, we've found ways to automate the software development lifecycle, but when it comes to infrastructure setup and deployments, it's still mostly a manual process. With GitOps, teams can automate the infrastructure provisioning process. This is due to the ability to write your Infrastructure as Code (IaC), version the code in a Git repository, and apply continuous deployment principles to your cloud delivery.  

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Programmable HTTP CLI Tool

submitted by /u/SinanK1
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from programming

NoSQL Use Cases: When to Use a Non-Relational Database

For decades, many companies have relied on relational databases to store, protect, and access their data. SQL databases, in particular, worked well for a long time and still do for many use cases. But, today, there are a wide range of situations where SQL databases can no longer satisfy the needs of modern enterprises, especially those that have made the move to the cloud. Increasingly, these companies are turning to NoSQL databases to meet their goals.

NoSQL databases are likely the better choice when:

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Python Programming - Simplified Data Flattening using PySpark

submitted by /u/SuperUser2112
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Brain to the Cloud: Examining the Relationship Between Brain Activity and Video Game Performance

A few months back, I read a really excellent (but pretty old) blog post that explained how to hack a toy called a Mind Flex to extract and analyze the data within it. At first, I couldn't believe that such a thing existed. I mean, sure — gimmicky toys have been around for ages, so I wasn't shocked that the toy claimed to read the user's mind. It's not uncommon to fake this kind of gimmick. But, the fact that the Mind Flex contains a real, legit EEG chip that read your mind seemed almost too good to be true. I wondered if it was possible to take this hack a step further. Instead of just reading the data, or using the data to "control" something else, what if I were to read the data while performing some task and see what the data reveals about my performance during that task? I would need to complete an activity with quantifiable data to properly compare the brain activity to the task results to see if my attention levels correlated to the task's success or failure. Deciding on the actual action to measure wasn't tricky. I am a pretty avid video game player and had recently been trying to think of a way to integrate my gameplay statistics into a project, so I surmised that the combination would be an intriguing one.

So I asked myself: "if I could hack the Mind Flex and wear it while playing Call of Duty, what would the data show?" Could I establish a relationship between cognitive function and video game performance? In other words, when I'm focused and attentive, do I play better? Or, when I'm distracted, do I play worse? Is there no connection at all? I wasn't sure if my tests would succeed, but I decided to find out.

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Break The Code 2 is live!!!!!!!!

submitted by /u/moonsoil
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OpenDatum- An ENS (Ethereum Name Service) NFT. Running Database, OnChain Protocol Pilot Program

submitted by /u/EtherVirtualMachine
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Friday, March 25, 2022

QAOps: A Software Testing Trend

Talking about development these days, streamlining the entire software development lifecycle turns out to be an extreme hustle. Especially, when you need to ensure the product developed should meet all the defined guidelines, right from the framed requirements to ensuring early and successful deliveries, quality often takes a backseat on the way to creating sustainable technology.

As per a recent article by Forbes, poor-quality software costs organizations $2.8 trillion in the U.S. alone, according to the Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ). This means a product made with sacrifices on the quality aspect often turns out to be a shortsighted delivery strategy that ends up business and developers with the havoc of long-term troubles. Luckily, software testing has always emerged as a sustainable practice that has helped brands across the globe to yield technologies for life.

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World's greatest javascript code

submitted by /u/organi_cali
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Using Python and Django, I built a GPT-3-powered web application to help myself write better in my second language - And it worked!!!

submitted by /u/data-gig
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April fools is coming. Play some harmless pranks with code

submitted by /u/RoughCalligrapher906
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dashboard design in wpf

submitted by /u/IllustrationExpo
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Things I learned as a software engineer — career development

submitted by /u/mpower999
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Thursday, March 24, 2022

No more chainsaw juggling: deploying database changes safely using version control

submitted by /u/zachm
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from programming

How to Mkdir Command Works in Linux

On Linux and UNIX-like systems, like Mac, we use mkdir to make a new directory from the terminal. To do this, open up a new terminal, and make sure you're in the right directory using the cd command.

The syntax for mkdir looks like this, where dir_name is the name of your new directory, and [OPTIONS] are optional settings.

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GitOps: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Over the years, software development methodologies have changed from the waterfall model, to agile, to what we call DevOps today. Even though these methodologies focus mostly on cultural aspects, they are all backed by powerful tools and technologies that make the work more straightforward than before. Just as Docker and Kubernetes boosted DevOps adoption by making containerization easier for organizations, we are now witnessing GitOps gain traction but with Git at the center of the approach. 

This article will explore GitOps: Why is it used? How does it work? 

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Benchmarking Python and JavaScript ORMs: Django, SQLAlchemy, Prisma, TypeORM, Sequelize, EdgeDB

submitted by /u/vriad
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Multi-Cloud Data Layer Essentials

By implementing more applications in the cloud as microservices, the data services needed to support these applications will be delivered by different technologies and databases — each optimized by the needs of the microservices it is supporting. The optimal result is a multi-cloud data layer with the capability to deliver the appropriate data services for any use case. A multi-cloud data layer delivers core capabilities for both existing applications to help bridge digital transformation initiatives as well as new cloud-native applications and microservices. This Refcard further explores multi-cloud data layer core capabilities, considerations, and essential workloads.

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Learning Clojure yields surprising long-term benefits. These companies are hiring and will train you.

submitted by /u/joshlemer
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from programming

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Exception Breakpoint that Doesn't Suck and a Real Use Case for Method Breakpoints

Two weeks ago, I left this series in a “cliffhanger” of sorts. Well, as much as a programming blog can leave things in the air… The big one amongst them is the premise that exception breakpoints don’t have to suck. If you used them in the past, you would know that grabbing all exceptions is ridiculous. You end up at a breakpoint every second and it doesn’t help.

There’s a solution, and it’s discussed in duckling 6 number 7 also covers a lot of interesting ground for us and another cliffhanger on method breakpoints:

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New Linux kernel bolsters random number generation

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Building a Slack App With Native SFDC Integration

Part 1: Getting Going With the Starter Kit 

Businesses depend on Slack for communication and Salesforce for data management. As one might expect, conversations in Slack don’t always correlate to changes in Salesforce records. Being able to share data between these two services can increase team productivity by eliminating the need to switch between them.

In December of 2021, Salesforce produced a video series explaining how to build Slack Apps using their APIs. Building on top of any platform can be intimidating: You have to learn about how authentication works, the methods you can call, the events you can listen for, and so on. Slack has excellent documentation and an SDK, Bolt, which reduces a lot of boilerplate logic, getting you more quickly from an idea to an actual app.

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Node v17.8.0 (Current)

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

As a Software Developer, Would You Rather Be a God in the Open-Source Community or Have an…

submitted by /u/moneyshaker
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What is MySQL - Flatlogic Blog

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Management and Governance

Due to the performance nature of modern cloud-native applications, Kubernetes environments need to be highly distributed. Proper multi-cluster management and governance ensure consistent, secure operations across all environments. In this Refcard, we further explore Kubernetes multi-cluster management and governance, why it's important, and core practices for success.

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🎙 Idit Levine (of - Production is the Real Test | Maintainable Podcast

submitted by /u/robbyrussell
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from programming

12 Useful JavaScript Newsletters

As any software developer knows, it's vital that you keep learning to improve your game and stay on top of things. This is especially important in the JavaScript ecosystem, where things keep evolving quickly, especially with all the awesome frameworks we have today.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by subscribing to useful JavaScript newsletters and getting updates and tutorials straight into your inbox. In this post, let's look at 12 of the best ones.

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IonQ Aria, Newest Quantum Computer, Coming to Microsoft’s Azure Quantum Platform

submitted by /u/donutloop
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from programming

Monday, March 21, 2022

SFINAE, Immediate Context, Operator << and '\n'

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Typescript Basics: How keyof Works

In Javascript and Typescript, we often run into situations where we have an object with a certain set of properties, and then another variable that matches one or many keys in that object. This can cause all sorts of issues if the keys can be edited. For example, imagine the following situation:

let myUser = {
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    age: 15

function getUserDetails() {
    let ourKeys = [ "name", "red", "age" ];
    let constructedObject = {};

    ourKeys.forEach(function(item) {
        constructedObject[item] = myUser[item];

    return constructedObject

We could imagine that ourKeys maybe coming from a database, or an API. For the purposes of explanation, I've put it in a simple array. When we run through each of these keys using our forEach loop, we output details from myUser into a new Object, called constructedObject.

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His software sang the words of God. Then it went silent.

submitted by /u/snf
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Introduction to Tuples in Python - Tutorial

submitted by /u/misha_sv
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What Is JDBC Connection? | JDBC Connection Example

In the video below, we take a closer look at JDBC Connection with examples. Let's get started!

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AWS IAM Demystified

submitted by /u/dandydev
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Sunday, March 20, 2022

When to test?

submitted by /u/panta82
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from programming

How To Change Node.JS Version

In this quick guide, we'll be looking at the easiest way to change the Node.JS version using nvm.

Using NVM To Change node.JS Version

First, you will need to install nvm, which stands for node version management. To install nvm, you can do it by running the following script:

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An Intro to property-based testing, a testing technique where you run hundreds of tests with randomly generated values against your code.

submitted by /u/No-Onion-8207
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from programming

JVM Memory Architecture and GC Algorithm Basics


This article discusses the basic concept of JDK8 and upwards memory management with heap and stack memory. and the basics of GC and its Algorithms.

Importance of Memory Management

Java garbage collector doesn't ensure that the heap memory will be completely free, and also, for a developer, it is not possible to force a garbage collector to run at a specific time. So it is helpful to know how memory management in Java works. 

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FR - a performant yet simple tool to find and replace across files, folders.

submitted by /u/Elliot40404
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Testing Golang With httptest

Go, often referred to as Golang, is a popular programming language built by Google. Its design and structure help you write efficient, reliable, and high-performing programs. Often used for web servers and rest APIs, Go offers the same performance as other low-level languages like C++ while also making sure the language itself is easy to understand with a good development experience.

Go’s httptest package is a useful resource for automating your server testing process to ensure that your web server or REST API works as expected. Automating server testing not only helps you test whether your code works as expected; it also reduces the time spent on testing and is especially useful for regression testing. The httptest package is also useful for testing HTTP clients that make outbound requests to remote servers.

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My key takeaways from The Pragmatic Programmer

submitted by /u/clouddjr
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Saturday, March 19, 2022

I created a super simple customizable desktop clock with python! I always wanted a bigger alternative to the tiny clock windows gives you in the bottom right, so I made this. It's super simple and customizable. Let me know if you find it useful!

submitted by /u/underpig1
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from programming

I made a terrible Slender game in 8th grade and it accidentally became the #1 game on Indie DB for a week. I took a look back on it and it was even worst than how I remembered it when I first made it

submitted by /u/jqmarsh
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from programming

You Can Use Intl.ListFormat to Internationalize Lists usign JS

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

fzf: The command line fuzzy file finder. Instant incremental results, many options, and blazing fast. Available for Mac via Homebrew and Windows via Chocolatey.

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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Rusticl Posted For Working On OpenCL 3.0 Within Rust For Mesa Gallium3D Drivers

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Open Source Maintainer Sabotages Code to Wipe Russian, Belarusian Computers

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Are you using story points and struggling with explaining to someone how you convert story points to a time of delivery? Here is how.

submitted by /u/NoLengthiness9942
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The Web Doesn’t Have Version Numbers

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Friday, March 18, 2022

Serverless for Survival

When new technologies arise, we first adopt them for their technical value. If that value proves out, then we reach the magic “crossing the chasm” moment: when a technology jumps to widespread adoption through proven business value and goes mainstream. 

Some technologies, a very select few, make one more jump forward, however — from mainstream to existential imperative. 

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Writing a Printer Driver in JavaScript

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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from programming

Asynchronous API Calls: Spring Boot, Feign, and Spring @Async

The requirement was to hit an eternal web endpoint and fetch some data and apply some logic to it, but the external API was super slow and the response time grew linearly with the number of records fetched. This called for the need to parallelize the entire API call in chunks/pages and aggregate the data.

Our synchronous feign client:

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qpwo/actual-malware: npm package to upload your private ssh keys to a pastebin

submitted by /u/Atulin
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How Do I Build A Platform To Sell My Course?

submitted by /u/taimoorsattar7
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How To Hire Remote Developers Successfully

There are many aspects to consider when you want to hire remote developers: the candidate’s technical and soft skills, the region where you hire, how to find a developer, hiring format, and many more. Here, we’ll talk about what a developer needs to work efficiently in the remote format, as well as how to check if this work is efficient. 

Ask an HR manager about what is important for a remote developer and most likely you will hear that this person should be independent, organized, self-disciplined, structured, etc. That sounds reasonable, but what hides behind these names in reality? Let’s take a thorough look at the candidate requirements from a practical perspective. 

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Kubernetes Love Story

submitted by /u/mertyildiran
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from programming

Creating Your First Svelte App With SvelteKit

Svelte is a lightweight framework for building web applications. When you use it, it looks and feels a lot like other frontend frameworks like React and Vue, but leaves the virtual DOM behind. That, along with other optimizations, means it does far less work in the browser, optimizing user experience and load time.

In this guide, we'll be going over how to set up your first Svelte application using SvelteKit. Svelte has a number of different ways to make applications, and SvelteKit is one of the official packages from Svelte for doing that. If you're interested in other frameworks, you might enjoy a similar guide we have on making your first Vue application.

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Comparison of different file formats in Big Data

submitted by /u/eatonphil
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from programming

Modular Feature-Driven Development: The Smartphone Pattern (OS) with React and Redux

Front-end architecture is a very important aspect I consider when developing apps. I've been developing front end since around 2007, and since then, I've been interested in software architecture concepts, design patterns, and code organization.

Once, in a code review session, I was trying to explain a certain strategy I would have liked the code would be, then a colleague told me:

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Pre-emptive measures to handle log anomalies

submitted by /u/iowasandroid
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from programming

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Create your own Pi-hole in 10 commands

submitted by /u/tanrax
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from programming

How to Get Started With Vaadin Flow

In this blog, I will show you how I got started with Vaadin Flow. With Vaadin Flow, you can create web apps without HTML or JavaScript, but entirely with Java. Let’s get started!

1. Introduction

For some time, I have been curious about Vaadin Flow. I am not very good in frontend developement but sometimes I try to get myself together and then I take a look at a frontend framework. In a previous post, I looked at React for example. Although the React introduction was a nice experience, I still did not think I could create a frontend with React before investing a serious amount of time. At Twitter, I often saw posts coming by about Vaadin and this took my interest. So, I put Vaadin on my blog todo list.

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Code checking tools — Benefits of using the static type checking and static code analysis in JavaScript projects.

submitted by /u/mchl-reddit
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Calinski-Harabasz Index for K-Means Clustering Evaluation using Python

submitted by /u/misha_sv
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Java on Raspberry Pi

Hello, DZone Community!

This is my first post here: sorry for ignoring this community until now! :-)

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Generation of Programming language

submitted by /u/Significant-Art-4738
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from programming

Monday, March 14, 2022

6 New Features in Data Grid 8.3 Release

Red Hat Data Grid is a distributed, cloud-based datastore offering very fast response times as an in-memory database. The latest version features cross-site replication with more observability, two new types of SQL cache stores for scaling applications with large datasets, improved security, support for Helm charts, and a better command-line interface (CLI).

This article is an overview of new features and enhancements in this latest version of Red Hat Data Grid.

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Integrate Amazon S3 with Mule

Amazon Web Service’s S3 stands for “Simple Storage Service.” It is a type of cloud storage provided to the developers as a scalable solution over the Internet. 

Amazon S3 uses the concept of Buckets and Objects to store the data. It allows an easy, user-friendly, fast and on-demand approach for storing & retrieving the data online.

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New WebKit features in Safari 15.4

submitted by /u/feross
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from programming

How to Effectively Bridge the DevOps – R&D Gap Without Sacrificing Reliability

DevOps culture revolutionized our industry. Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration made six sigma reliability commonplace. 20 years ago we would kick the production servers and listen to the hard drive spin, that was observability. Today’s DevOps teams deploy monitoring tools that provide development teams with deep insight into the production environment.

O brave new world That has such people in’t!” – William Shakespeare

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Alternative library for partial function application in python

submitted by /u/cgrimm1994
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from programming

How To Use Particle System In Godot

submitted by /u/JeanMakeGames
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from programming

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tech Radar: What It Is and Why Tech Teams Need to Have One

Keeping a project competitive within the technology market is, without a doubt, one of the most significant challenges for engineering teams. It is because it is necessary to update and revise solutions constantly: since, in the same way, it is terrible to use legacy technologies, it is also not advisable to use technologies simply because they are buzzwords.

But how to monitor and visualize all these solutions? One way to keep track of these stacks, which are crucial for an organization, is to make your company or teams have a Tech Radar.

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chjj/lcdb : LevelDB implemented in C (unofficial -- not affiliated with Google in any way)

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

[Artificial life] self-reproducing cellular automata: Langton's loop in python and pygame

submitted by /u/Seitoh
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from programming

UiPath extract Tables from PDF (use case) (PDF table)(VB.NET code in description of movie)

submitted by /u/Cristi_UiPath
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from programming

Keeping Developers Will Be the Priority in Great Developer Resignation Next Stage

submitted by /u/DynamicsHosk
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The Hare Programming Language (Drew’s NIH Zig clone)

submitted by /u/raymii
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Artificial Nightmares : The Kraken's Fury || Clip Guided Disco Diffusion AI Art Video [4K 60 FPS]

submitted by /u/Thenamessd
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from programming

I'm sharing my premium blog code source for free !!!

submitted by /u/hichem_brahim
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from programming

Saturday, March 12, 2022

disposable emails straight from the terminal

submitted by /u/ballihacker
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from programming

Premature Optimization is Evil Unless

submitted by /u/bitter-cognac
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Analyzing iMessage With SQL

SQLite is an often overlooked flavor of SQL engines. Some have suggested it is the most prolific SQL engine in existence due to its highly flexible nature and ability to run on almost any platform with limited resources. Unlike other SQL engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, or Oracle, SQLite runs without a server. SQLite does not rely on a data directory or a constantly running daemon: a database is encapsulated in a single file.

SQLite and iMessage

iMessage is one of the most popular messaging platforms today, largely because it is built into iOS and Mac devices. Since its release, it has evolved significantly. But, at its core, it is simply an instant messaging platform. iMessage uses SQLite in the background to store relational data about messages, conversations, and their participants.

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Hubfs – File System for GitHub

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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There’s No Such Thing as Clean Code

submitted by /u/fagnerbrack
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simple web browser in c#

submitted by /u/mhjhacker1
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Programming Languages Most in Demand Right Now (March, 2022)

submitted by /u/Beautiful-Credit-868
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Friday, March 11, 2022

Typescript Tuples, and How They Work

In Javascript, we are expecting a new primitive data type called a Tuple to appear soon. In Typescript, however, the concept of Tuple already exists.

A Tuple in Typescript is, much like in Javascript, an array, and it has a known length where every item has a known type.

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What Does AIOps Mean for SREs? It’s Complicated.

submitted by /u/devoopseng
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Installing WebKit (safari) in Windows via WSL2 | Ivan Sanz-Carasa

submitted by /u/isc30
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Challenging the Single-Responsibility-Principle

submitted by /u/WolfOliver
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What is Webpack? - Flatlogic Blog

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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Wanted to share a useful tool for devs using Windows: MS PowerToys is an open source tool that has tiling-window like feature called Fancy Zones. Just snap your windows into place! Imitates the feeling of a Linux TWM pretty well, can't work without it now. :)

submitted by /u/bitwizard_
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Report: Recent 10x Increase in Cyberattacks on Ukraine

submitted by /u/feross
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Characteristics of Oops

submitted by /u/Significant-Art-4738
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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Spring Boot: JUnit Integration Test

In this Spring Boot video tutorial, we take a closer look at the JUnit Integration Test and testing JWT Tokens and UserID (RESTful Web Services). Let's get started!

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Why Nvidia sees a future in software and services: Recurring revenue

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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from programming

Catala language for legal texts

submitted by /u/leonadav
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Relevance of Project Management Skills in an Agile World

As organizations are moving toward Agile transformation, there is a revamp of several roles involved in software delivery. One role that is gaining popularity is that of a Product Owner. On the other hand, a traditional role that is losing its significance in this context is that of a Project Manager: a role that is not a part of the Scrum Team. While both Project Manager and Product Owner roles are accountable for the successful delivery of a product, there are differences between the roles and responsibilities of each. This article examines the project management skills that are essential for the success of Product Owners in a Scrum Team.

Scrum Team and Roles

The Scrum Guide describes the Scrum Team as a small team of people consisting of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers. 

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CISA updates Conti ransomware alert with nearly 100 domain names

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Microsoft Code Review Secrets [Dave's Garage]

submitted by /u/foonix
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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Implementing Spatial Audio With Web Audio API

With the rise of the metaverse and 3D games such as Battle Royale, the demand for immersive audio experiences in virtual environments is growing rapidly. Spatial audio, a technology that allows users to perceive the location and distance of a sound source around them in a virtual scene, is quickly becoming an essential part of creating immersive virtual experiences.

In response to this rapidly growing demand for an immersive audio experience, we've added a proximity voice module to the ZEGOCLOUD Express Web SDK (since v2.10.0), which provides the following features:

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Top 10 Tips & Tricks For Pythonistas

submitted by /u/AfroBoyUg
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Paper Notes: Kafka – a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing

submitted by /u/varunu28
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Detecting, Investigating, and Verifying Fixes for Security Incidents and Zero-Day Issues Using Lightrun

Important: You can use Lightrun for free on your servers.

I’m not a security expert. I’d like to think of myself as a security-conscious developer, but this is a vast subject with depth and breadth. What I understand are Lightrun and Debugging. In that capacity, I can show some creative ways you can use it as a security tool. A “proper” security expert could take this to the next level.

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picovoice/leopard - DeepSpeech 60x Smaller, 9x faster, and 2x accuracy

submitted by /u/binaryfor
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A Proposal for Type Syntax in JavaScript

submitted by /u/DanielRosenwasser
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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Find All Files Containing a String or Text on Linux and Mac

Sometimes on Linux/UNIX computers, you will want to do a search for any files containing a particular string within it. This can be particularly useful when searching for specific things for a CI/CD pipeline.

On Linux or Mac, if we want to search a set of files for a specific string in a terminal, we use the grep.

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Challenges and Solutions of EMQX Horizontal Scalability: MQTT Broker Clustering, Part 3

This post will introduce some of the improvements of the MQTT broker cluster scalability. We will mostly focus on the database engine that EMQX uses internally and how we improved it in EMQX 5.0.

Before we start, you should know how data is replicated in the EMQX cluster: EMQX Broker stores the runtime information about the topics and clients in the Mnesia database, which helps replicate this data across the cluster.

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Critical "Access:7" Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Impact ATMS, Medical and loT Devices

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas

submitted by /u/mariuz
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Machine Learning in Automated Image Labeling

What Is Machine Learning?

A branch of artificial intelligence with the help of which data can be obtained from a system, processed using automated analytical building models is known as machine learning (Machine Learning: What It Is and Why It Matters | SAS, 2019). The basic aim behind the introduction of machine learning in an automated system is so that the machine can take decisions all by itself using data, patterns, and surrounding parameters without any human interventions. By another definition (Bengio et al., 2013) machine learning, is basically an understanding of algorithms up to which extent the machine can learn algorithms, draw conclusions, and act accordingly. 

While talking about image labeling through machine learning, this task is not difficult in the present technological world. There are several examples of automated image labeling with the help of machine learning. The most common of them are PCB defect detection (Huang et al., 2020), in which the model with the help of a predefined data set label all the false part of a PCB which helps the PCB manufacturing industry in the quality control section. In the same way, there are several safe city projects having CCTV cameras that work on this principle. They captured the high-quality images and labeled different things like cars, humans, and animals which makes them easy for authorities to understand the situation and even having some emergency trigger point with the help of which the system automatically warns the concerned authorities, like in case of robbery, flooding, or traffic jams, etc. (How Data Is Used in Smart Cities – Project Sherpa, n.d.)

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Kernel Development Explained

submitted by /u/dragonzapedu
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The WebSocket Handbook: learn about the technology behind the realtime web

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Monday, March 7, 2022

Lessons From A Tech Job Search

submitted by /u/hgwxx7_
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Testing REST Controller Methods With JUnit 5 [Video]

In the video below, we take a closer look at Spring Boot, with a focus on testing RestController methods with JUnit 5 and RESTful web services. Let's get started!

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Next-Gen Data Pipes With Spark, Kafka, and K8s: Part 2


In our previous article, we discussed two emerging options for building new-age data pipes using stream processing. One option leverages Apache Spark for stream processing and the other makes use of a Kafka-Kubernetes combination of any cloud platform for distributed computing. The first approach is reasonably popular, and a lot has already been written on it. However, the second option is catching up in the market as that is far less complex to set up and easier to maintain. Also, data-on-the-cloud is a natural outcome of the technological drivers that are prevailing in the market. So, this article will focus upon the second approach to see how it can be implemented in the different cloud environments.

Kafka-K8s Streaming Approach in Cloud

In this approach, if the number of partitions in the Kafka topic matches with the replication factor of the pods in the Kubernetes cluster, then the pods together form a consumer group and ensure all the advantages of distributed computing. It can be well depicted through the below equation:

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Empty npm package '-' has over 700,000 downloads

submitted by /u/whackri
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Notes about the Browser’s Rendering Process

submitted by /u/huydotnet
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What Is A Tech Stack? How To Choose The Right One For Your Project

submitted by /u/ThinkRemote-
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How to show elements on bigger devices in Bootstrap 5

submitted by /u/LukeeBino
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Genetic Algorithm to solve the Knapsack Problem

submitted by /u/arpitbbhayani
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Sunday, March 6, 2022

I Can No Longer Compile My First Flash Game

submitted by /u/devtailsxyz
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Request coalescing in async Rust

submitted by /u/N911999
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Generating Simulated Streaming Data

For demos, system tests, and other purposes, it is good to have a way to easily produce realistic data at scale utilizing a schema of our own choice.

Fortunately, there is a great library for Python called Faker that lets us build synthetic data for tests. With a simple loop and a Pulsar produce call, we can send messages to topics at scale.

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maybe someone can provide me help there...

submitted by /u/carmen5298
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Getting Started with Eclipse Jifa

I have been posting multiple videos about the Performance Engineering Series on the QAInsights channel, which will help you to get started with troubleshooting Java applications. In this blog post, we are going to see how you can use Eclipse Jifa to identify potential performance bottlenecks in your Java applications. Let us get started.

Eclipse Jifa

Eclipse Jifa (Java Issue Finder Assistant) is an open-source application to troubleshoot Java applications. The inception phase of Jifa was back in 2020 by Alibaba under the Eclipse Foundation. Developers from Netflix, Alibaba Cloud, and other developers are contributing to the Jifa project.

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Alternatives to DTO

submitted by /u/nfrankel
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from programming

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Bug in Paxos [not quite] Made Simple

submitted by /u/alexeyr
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Interview where co-founder of Coursicle discusses his recent mental health struggles, freedom of speech on the internet, the benefit of native apps, and hating Mark Zuckerberg

submitted by /u/monstermac77
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Sign the Petition to ban github access for Russia

submitted by /u/YetAnotherInvestor
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Paper Notes: Scaling Memcache at Facebook

submitted by /u/varunu28
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What SREs Can Learn From Capt. Sully: When To Follow Playbooks

When are you smarter than your playbooks, and when are your playbooks smarter than you?

That’s a question that engineers rarely step back to consider. The rational, disciplined parts of our minds tell us that the playbooks we are supposed to follow were carefully designed and tested and that we should stick to them at all costs.

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The perfect command line tool for debugging .

submitted by /u/derhnyel
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from programming

Friday, March 4, 2022

Introducing KoolKits: OSS Debugging Toolkits for Kubernetes

KoolKits (Kubernetes toolkits) are highly-opinionated, language-specific, batteries-included debug container images for Kubernetes. In practice, they’re what you would’ve installed on your production pods if you were stuck during a tough debug session in an unfamiliar shell.

To briefly give some background, note that these container images are intended for use with the new kubectl debug feature, which spins up Ephemeral containers for interactive troubleshooting. A KoolKit will be pulled by kubectl debug, spun up as a container in your pod, and have the ability to access the same process namespace as your original container.

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The Power and Pains of Autonomy

TL; DR: The Power and Pains of Autonomy at the ACB21

In this highly engaging talk at the Agile Camp Berlin 2021, Jimmy Janlén addresses the core element of “Agile,” its key to speed, innovation, and success: team autonomy. Learn more about its benefits, challenges, fears, and pains and what organizations can do to unleash it.

The Power and Pains of Autonomy

Modern organizations are convinced that autonomous empowered teams are one of the core concepts of Agile and key to speed, innovation, and success. 

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how to upload file with python and flask

submitted by /u/gamau6
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from programming

Enabling High-Quality Code in .NET

Introduction to Code Quality

When we talk about code quality, we can think of different aspects of it. We mainly refer to the attributes and characteristics of code. While there is no widely adopted definition of high-quality code, we know some of the characteristics of good code:

  • It is clean.
  • Absence of code smells
  • Consistent
  • Functional: it does what we say it does.
  • Easy to understand
  • Efficient
  • Testable
  • Easy to maintain
  • Well documented

There are probably additional characteristics of good code, but these are the core of the high-quality code.

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Demystifying NaN for the working programmer

submitted by /u/Educational-Lemon640
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from programming

How-to-guide for Token-Based Authentication in Node using PassportJS, Express, and MongoDB (Source code included)

submitted by /u/NoFunnyMan
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from programming

Thursday, March 3, 2022

You might not need SSG with Remix

submitted by /u/Mittalmailbox
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from programming

Evolution of Milvus Cloud-Scalable Vector Database

Objectives of Milvus Vector Database

When the idea of the Milvus vector database first came to our minds, we wanted to build a data infrastructure that could help people accelerate AI adoptions in their organizations.

Milvus in MLOps

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Create a Svelte Reusable Tab Component Without Complicated CSS

Tabs are a key feature in any application. They are needed for effective navigation between the various parts of the application and switching between different views. We can easily create and manage tabs in Svelte. However, the question is whether we can create a Svelte Reusable Tab Component.

We can definitely create a reusable tab component in Svelte very easily. All we have to use is basic Javascript logic, some rudimentary CSS, and a custom event dispatcher. We don’t need to use complicated routing solutions. By simply using these basic building blocks, we can create a working tab solution that also keeps track of the active tab. Such an approach is very suitable for small applications.

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6 .NET Myths Dispelled — Celebrating 21 Years of .NET

submitted by /u/EntroperZero
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Visual Studio Code February 2022

submitted by /u/myroon5
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Customize Auth0 Universal Login with Auth0 CLI

submitted by /u/robertinoc
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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Best Practices for a Successful DevOps Transformation

In this competitive world, every organization is moving towards digital transformation. To stay ahead of the competition businesses are trying to improve their existing IT infrastructure, methodologies, welcoming new technology and software development approaches. To be successful in achieving all of this, organizations depend a lot on how inclined they are towards adopting best practices for a successful DevOps transformation. 

This shift to DevOps implementation makes organizations capable of faster quality releases with lesser performance issues. This shift cannot be taken lightly and should be based on thorough research on the organization’s cultural foundation on which it is built because every company’s journey is different. So, to take this plunge, one must adopt the following DevOps best practices for a successful DevOps transformation.

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A new year, a new MDN – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

submitted by /u/jluizsouzadev
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Introducing JetSet for VSCode — A Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Extension

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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Mobile software development; Native or Web?

When you're faced with two options, it's common to create a list of advantages and disadvantages between both of your options, for then to weigh these up against each other. When your choice is whether or not to go for native mobile or a responsive web app, your list might resemble the following - As in, these are the advantages you'll have when creating a web app.

  • You don't need to send Apple 25% of your earnings
  • You won't be thrown out of the AppStore because of competing with some Apple product
  • You don't have to create 3 versions of your app, in 3 different programming languages, being Swift, Java and PHP/Python/.Net/etc
  • You don't need 3x as many developers to maintain your app further down the line
  • You don't have to fight with neither Flutter nor Xamarin for "device x with resolution y" because of "missing feature z"
  • Etc, etc, etc ...

The above are some of the advantages you'll have if you create a responsive web app. We all know the arguments in favour of building native - However, the primary (only?) argument really seems to be some permutation of "you can't do that with the web". Well, we built a complete IDE, SQL Workbench, Cloud platform, etc, etc, etc, where the system produces according to neutral metrics between 50 and 80 percent of your backend code automatically for you, and to prove it, I just published a YouTube video where I in real time create 3,300 lines of backend code, from my iPhone, resulting in 100+ HTTP endpoints, securely wrapping my database. The video is 3 minutes and 53 seconds long.

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The Cloud Challenge: Choice Paralysis and the Bad Strategy of “On-Premising” the Cloud

The cloud is vast. It is natural that we look at the cloud and understand it through the narrow lens of our previous experiences. This can translate into solutions that underutilize/overutilize one area of the cloud over other areas. Innovative and robust solutions often require the use of the full spectrum.

Most companies are migrating to the cloud because they want to unlock new business opportunities, but many of them stumble because they continue to build solutions that are only suitable for on-premises. Imagine your IT workloads are on servers that sit in the basement of your corporate office. Would moving these servers to the first floor of that office open any new opportunities for your business? Of course not. Lifting and shifting your servers to the cloud might save you money, but it certainly won’t take you any further. The first and most important thing to remember about the cloud is that the cloud is not a place, it is a model. Building for the cloud requires a mindset change, not a location change. 

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What is Angular?

submitted by /u/ZestycloseChocolate
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from programming

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A videochat between technical founders about ptys and creating a better terminal experience for all programmers

submitted by /u/nyellin
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from programming

What D'Hack Is DPoP?

OAuth2.0/OpenID connect is considered the fastest-growing protocol used by many application developers for access delegation and single-sign-on. This is due to its flexibility and high security compared to other protocols in the market. In contrast, the world is full of hackers who are desperately looking for flaws that you make when developing an application. Single Page applications or public clients which do not use MTLS secure transport layers are considered to be the most vulnerable source of an attack. 

Standard Token Flow

Despite the application type, the standard OAuth2.0/OpenID connect flow is similar to the below diagram (Figure 2). There are three actors involved: Client, Resource Server, and Authorization Server. The client will initiate the authorization request. Upon user authentication, the authorization server will issue an access token and refresh token for the user with an expiry time. Then, the client can use these tokens to access the protected resource from the resource server.

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Sliceable Monolith: Monolith First, Microservices Later

submitted by /u/donutloop
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NVIDIA DLSS source code leaks as a result of cyberattack on company's servers -

submitted by /u/IsDaouda_Games
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How to build a simple Python script that can be used to brute force a FTP user

submitted by /u/Best_Fold_2554
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