Sunday, October 31, 2021
How to Perform a NestJS TypeORM Transaction Using QueryRunner?
In this post, we will look at how to perform a NestJS TypeORM Transaction using the TypeORM QueryRunner class. This is also the recommended way of handling transactions in NestJS.
If you are new to using TypeORM with NestJS, refer to this detailed post about NestJS TypeORM Integration.
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Saturday, October 30, 2021
The Challenge of Economic Prioritization

On the surface, the foundations of job sequencing in considering the Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) prioritization schema seem logical. Do the smallest job with the greatest cost of delay first to deliver the greatest economic benefit. Though, in practice, it can be much more challenging. To survive and thrive in the post-digital economy, organizations need to change how they produce products, interact with customers, and define and prioritize work. To succeed in each of these areas requires a significant shift in organizational behavior, including how leaders interact with their peers.
But, how did we get here?
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Hazelcast + Kibana: Best Buddies for Exploring and Visualizing Data
A lot, if not all, of data science projects, require some data visualization front-end to display the results for humans to analyze. Python seems to boast the most potent libraries, but do not lose hope if you're a Java developer (or if you're proficient in another language as well). In this post, I will describe how you can benefit from such a data visualization front-end without writing a single line of code.
The Use Case: Changes From Wikipedia
I infer that you are already familiar with Wikipedia. If you are not, Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia curated by the community. In their own words:
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SRE vs. SWE: Similarities and Differences
SRE and SWE: These acronyms are only a letter apart, and they refer to similar roles within the realm of software development and management. However, SREs and SWEs are distinct types of jobs, even if the tools and skill sets associated with them overlap to a certain degree.
What is an SRE, what is an SWE, and how are SRE and SWE roles similar and different? Keep reading to find out.
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Analyzing Scans in PostgreSQL
Introduction and Data Setup
Before we dive in, it is vital to understand the basic elementary blocks of PostgreSQL query plans. This has been covered in a separate blog post, and I highly encourage readers to go through it first.
There are several node types in PostgreSQL query plans,
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Machine Learning and React Native: Feasible for Web Development?
Unless you have been living under a rock, there is no way you have not heard of at least artificial intelligence. Of course, this is because of the potent tool it has proven to be over the past decade. This popularity, then, led to the emergence of machine learning as well as deep learning. Now, they are both technically subsets of artificial intelligence, but the plethora of their advantages have ensured they were each able to establish their distinct identities in the market. Now, machine learning serves to help systems use input data to improve themselves.
Meanwhile, deep learning, which involves the use of algorithms based on the human brain’s structure and function, is enabling the achievement of unparalleled results in computer vision, ML, etc.
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Is Monolith Dead?
Monolith architecture has been very successful in shaping the software world the way we see it today. However, the last few years have seen a sharp decline in its adoption, especially with the advent of Microservices. The popularity of microservices was caused by the need for scalability and changeability which in turn is caused by the penetration of IT in almost every entity, animate or inanimate. Modern applications see no boundary when it comes to scaling and these applications are fond of change and this is where Monolith doesn’t fit at all.
Microservices, at least in theory, is “The Silver Bullet” that will solve all the problems and will serve humankind till eternity, but it doesn’t happen. Microservices bring lots of challenges that were nonexistent earlier. Still, what it does, it does it beautifully and efficiently and most importantly serves the purpose.
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Friday, October 29, 2021
MDC Logging With MuleSoft Runtime 4.4
MDC stands for Mapped Diagnostic Context. Mapped Diagnostic Context enriched the logs by providing more information about the event in the logs. By default, Mule logs two entries: processor which shows the location of current events, events which shows the correlation Id of the event.
Mule Runtime 4.4 introduced Tracing module and enables you to add more information to the logs by by adding, removing, and clearing variables from the logging context for a given Mule event.
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Live From INTERACT: Engineering Leadership Screwups
Have you ever had to manually book 50,000 flights because you rushed to deliver new features on your product?
In this episode of the Dev Interrupted podcast, we asked some of our favorite engineering leaders if they could share memorable stories of professional mistakes with our audience.
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How To Improve Mobile Application Performance Through Cloud Integration
Mobile application development has increased tenfold due to the high demand for such digital platforms among users worldwide. According to a report, there are more than 3 billion mobile application users, and this is where most businesses are looking to capitalize.
Mobile application software helps businesses engage users on mobile devices, making it an attractive investment. Mobile applications offer higher engagement value for organizations, but they also help organizations generate more leads.
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Thursday, October 28, 2021
Temporary Tables in MySQL: A High-level Overview
Anyone who has done substantial work with MySQL has probably noticed how big data affects MySQL databases — most likely some partition nuances or a couple of items related to indexes. However, another important feature offered by MySQL for big data purposes is the ability to create temporary tables. In this blog post, we are going to go into more detail on this subject.
What Are Temporary Tables?
In MySQL, a temporary table is a special type of table that (you guessed it) holds temporary data. These kinds of tables are usually created automatically and are typically only considered when certain types of problems arise-for example, when ALTER TABLE
statements are run on vast sets of data.
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Practicing Nebula Operator on Cloud
Hi, everybody! As you know, Nebula Operator has been open-source, and we published an introduction to it. Today, I would like to introduce my practice on Nebula Operator on the Cloud.
About Nebula Operator
What is Nebula Operator? You can refer to Nebula Operator Overview: Automated Operation on Kubernetes. Today, this article will focus on the practicing Nebula Operator. I hope it could help you get started with it soon and enjoy Nebula Graph.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Les 15 langages de programmation les mieux payés en 2021-C'est vrai?
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A New Era of Software Processes Is on the Horizon
The report late last year from FireEye of a state-sponsored attack targeting SolarWinds’ Orion software sent a shockwave through the industry and the reverberations from the discovery are continuing to ripple. As many as 18,000 SolarWinds customers — including at least nine U.S. government agencies — were infected via the SunBurst breach of the network monitoring and management solution. Moreover, according to a recent study from IronNet, the average financial impact of that attack was 11% of annual revenue or about $12 million per company.
U.S. intelligence has put the blame for the attack on Russian-sponsored hackers, who compromised multiple Orion software updates that were released between March and June 2020, giving bad actors a backdoor into exploited systems. Our research found that the Orion software build and code-signing infrastructure was compromised, with the source code of the affected library directly modified to include malicious backdoor code that was compiled, signed, and delivered via the existing patch release management system.
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Connect to a Database Instance Running Inside a Java Testcontainer Using IntelliJ IDEA
JUnit is one of the most popular unit testing frameworks used with Java to create repeatable tests. With JUnit, each test is written as a separate method inside a Java class. IntelliJ IDEA provides an option to run these test cases from within the IDE.
In case you have a module that communicates with a MySQL database, you can unit test the module by providing it access to a MySQL server running inside a Testcontainer. You can also configure this MySQL database instance with your desired username, password, and database name (in MySQL server) using the API provided by the Testcontainers framework.
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Automatically Import SASS/SCSS Into Every Vue.js Component
If you’ve done any work with Vue.js and SASS (or SCSS from here on), you may have run into this very common issue: you have SCSS variables in one file that you want to make available to your Vue components.
The good news is that the Vue CLI makes it incredibly easy to support writing SCSS, and with Vue’s single-file components, you can simply add lang="scss"
to the <style>
block (docs).
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Deploy a Java application using Helm, Part 2
In the previous article in this series, you learned how to deploy Java applications to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) using Helm on Red Hat OpenShift. Developers can use the procedures in Part 1 to easily stand up traditional Java application servers on Kubernetes with predefined Kubernetes manifestos.
What if you could have the same benefits when you develop microservices using JBoss EAP and Helm charts? JBoss EAP provides the Extension Pack (XP) to implement content trimming, packaging to a bootable JAR, and a MicroProfile specification including fault tolerance, monitoring and tracing in support of microservices in the cloud. This article explains how to make a bootable JAR using JBoss EAP XP and Helm and deploy the application to OpenShift.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2021
How to Build HTML Forms Right: User Experience
As you build out forms for the web, getting the semantics, accessibility, and styling right is a lot of work. If you can get all those right, you’re doing quite well for yourself. However, there are still some things we can do to make life better for the folks filling out our forms.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the dos and don’ts of HTML form user experience (UX). If you are looking for a refresher on the previous steps mentioned above, take a look at the other articles in this series.
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Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with MicroStream
MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs natively, which means the object graph is stored on disk as it is in RAM. Vice versa it allows you to load any single subgraph on-demand that is then merged with your object graph in ram automatically. This leads to fantastic benefits: You can use object graphs as an in-memory database. An object graph is a powerful multi-model data structure. You can use any Java type, collections, and formats like JSON. Matching this, Java provides the perfect query language. With Java Streams, searching even huge object graphs will take only microseconds - up to 1000x faster than comparable SQL queries and even much faster than reading data directly from a local cache. DB-specific data structures or formats become meaningless for Java. No more expensive mappings. No more data-type conversion. No more DB-specific query language. Only one data model: Java classes (POJOs). No additional caching framework is required. No more inconvenient object copies. Simple architecture and type-safe query code. Core-Java only instead of DB-specific concepts. As an end result, you will get out an ultra-fast Java in-memory database app or microservice. MicroStream is in productive use for more than 5 years and becomes now open source and part of the popular microservice frameworks Helidon and Open Liberty.
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Using pgbench With CockroachDB Serverless
Previous Articles
- Using PGBouncer with CockroachDB
- Using PGBouncer with Cockroach Cloud Free Tier
- Exploring PGBouncer auth_type(s) with CockroachDB
I've worked at Cockroach Labs for almost two years. In the last two years, I've come across many products in the PostgreSQL ecosystem. Surprisingly, pgbench
was one of those utilities I've heard about but never really tried on my own. As coincidence may have it, in the last few weeks, I had two customers with specific requirements that fit well with what pgbench can provide. I decided to spend a couple of days and evaluate this tool with CockroachDB.
From the pgbench documentation:
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Understanding Spring Boot Project, Spring Initializr, and POM.xml
In the video below, we take a closer look at the understanding Spring Boot project, Spring Initializr, and pom.xml. Let's get started!
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HTTP Methods: GET, POST, DELETE and PUT — RESTful Web Services With Spring Framework | Spring Boot
In the video below, we take a closer look at HTTP Methods: GET, POST, DELETE and PUT — RESTful Web Services with Spring framework | Spring Boot. Let's get started!
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Confluent Kafka Installation and Demo
About KAFKA and Confluent
Apache Kafka is an open-source community distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of corporations for high-performance streaming, data pipelines, and critical applications. Kafka was developed by the Apache Software Foundation written in Scala and Java.
Confluent Open Source is a developer-optimized distribution of Apache Kafka. Confluent Platform is a full-scale data streaming platform that enables you to easily access, store, and manage data as continuous, real-time streams. Confluent is a more complete distribution of Apache Kafka. It streamlines the admin operations procedures with much ease.
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Flink on TiDB: Reliable, Convenient Real-Time Data Service
TiDB is a distributed SQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads. It is MySQL compatible and features horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and real-time Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). Apache Flink is the most popular, open-source computing framework. It provides high-throughput, low-latency data computing and exactly-once semantics.
These two powerful software provide reliable, convenient support for our real-time gaming applications. In this article, I'll share our pain points when using Flink, how Flink guarantees exactly-once semantics, and how we implement it on TiDB. I hope you enjoy this article and find our experience helpful.
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What Are DORA Metrics? (And Why Is Everyone Talking About Them?)
In order to improve DevOps practices, teams need to be able to measure them and are turning to DORA metrics as the gold standard. These four metrics, change lead time, deployment frequency, change failure rate, and mean time to restore, are measures of how well teams deliver value to customers and can help inform decisions around what and how to make improvements to DevOps processes.
“You can’t improve what you don’t measure.” It’s a maxim to live by when it comes to DevOps. Teams need to make data-driven decisions in order to continuously improve practices, deliver software faster, and ensure that it remains reliable. Making DevOps measurable is key for being able to know and invest in what processes and tools work and fix or remove what doesn’t. DORA metrics have become the golden standard for teams aspiring to optimize their performance and achieve the DevOps ideals of speed and stability.
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Monday, October 25, 2021
DZone Cloud Show: KubeCon 2021 Recap
KubeCon Recap Show
Join us for the first-ever DZone Cloud Show as we recap and bring you up to speed with everything that happened at KubeCon NA 2021. Have a question or topic you want us to address? Then, be sure to leave a comment!
The DZone Cloud Show is broadcast across all DZone social media channels.
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Defining the Developer Experience
If you run a software company, it’s common to think about the User Experience (UX), how they experience your product when they use it, how intuitive it is to interact with, how quickly someone can accomplish an activity within your product, and how they feel about that process when it is completed.
The developer experience (DX) is similar, but instead of how your customer experiences using your software, it’s how your developers experience the process of adding features, fixing bugs, doing code reviews, meeting testing objectives, coordinating on QC/QA requirements, and fulfilling their responsibilities in the release process.
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Using LoopBack Connectors With IBM App Connect Enterprise
IBM® App Connect Enterprise provides a LoopBackRequest node, which enables you to issue synchronous requests to backend data sources by using LoopBack® connectors such as MongoDB, Cloudant®, or PostgreSQL.
In this article, we provide detailed information on the installation and configuration of the required LoopBack® connectors for use with IBM® App Connect Enterprise in container-based deployment in Cloud Pak for Integration. We will primarily cover Cloudant and CouchDB databases; however, a similar technique can be applied to other databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL.
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8 Things to Consider When Choosing an Embedded Analytics Vendor
Choosing an embedded analytics vendor is not an easy task. There are so many solutions available on the market that it is overwhelming. How can you make the best decision and ensure you invest in a solution that is really going to make an impact?
The truth is that there is no straight answer. In fact, the right answer is a combination of a couple of right answers, and of course, your specific business needs.
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Why Do We Need Spring Boot? Before Spring Boot and After Spring Boot | Spring Boot Features
In the video below, we take a closer look at why we need Spring Boot. Also, learn about Before Spring boot and After Spring boot | Spring boot features. Let's get started!
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Writing Clean Code: Naming
When you start learning how to code your main focus is writing code that works correctly for the problem you are solving. Yes, code needs to work correctly and that is a good place to start learning. However, in a real work environment, you also want to ensure you write clean code.
Clean code is readable, extensible, changeable, and maintainable. These are all important qualities for a code to have.
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How to Customize User Interface in Apereo CAS
In this article, we are going to see how to customize the user interfaces of a CAS application.
As you may know already, we are dealing with WAR overlay installation of the CAS project. Within this overlay project, there are no view pages available for us to modify. So first of all, we need to bring down any CAS views which we need to modify into our overlay from the CAS source code.
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Text Preprocessing Methods for Deep Learning
Deep Learning, particularly Natural Language Processing (NLP), has been gathering a huge interest nowadays. Some time ago, there was an NLP competition on Kaggle called Quora Question insincerity challenge. The competition is a text classification problem and it becomes easier to understand after working through the competition, as well as by going through the invaluable kernels put up by the Kaggle experts.
First, let’s start by explaining a little more about the text classification problem in the competition.
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How to Know When to Utilize Cross-Browser Testing
We all know that if we are developing something that runs on the web using browsers then cross-browser testing needs to be done. However, there is another variation of cross-browser testing – cross-device testing. If we have an application that is supposed to work on a device and is used by a set of people who may be using multiple devices then cross-device testing is needed.
Thus, cross-device testing here is equivalent to testing your application on multiple devices (at least all the devices that your customers might be using).
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Two Keys to Agile Transformation
Enterprise agility has rapidly become one of the most crucial variables for a business’s long-term resiliency. With the COVID-19 pandemic, never-ending disruptions to the global supply chain, and nearly every industry’s typical processes flipped upside down, there has never been a more important time to prioritize agility than now.
While the rewards of agility are high, organizations are struggling to implement key technologies and adhere to the methodologies that can get them there. In fact, the 14th Annual State of Agile Report notes that 59 percent of organizations are following agile principles, but only 4 percent of these organizations are getting the full benefit. But the ability to adapt quickly, seize new opportunities, and reduce costs is critical for survival in the ever-evolving and hypercompetitive digital age.
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Sunday, October 24, 2021
Insights Into Proactive Threat Hunting
Proactive search for complex threats seems to be a useful technology but inaccessible for many organizations. Is it really so? What do companies need to do to start Threat Hunting? What tools are needed for threat hunting? What trends in this area can be seen on the market in the coming years? Here's everything you should know.
What Is Threat Hunting?
Threat Hunting is a search for threats in a proactive mode when the information security specialist is sure that the network is compromised. They should understand how the network operates in order to be able to identify various attacks by examining the existing anomalies.
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Bias vs. Fairness vs. Explainability in AI
Before we look at how bias appears in machine learning, let’s start with the dictionary definition for the word:
“Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.”
Look! The definition of bias includes the word “unfair.” It’s easy to see why the terms bias and fairness get confused for each other a lot.
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5 Security Concerns for Developers In Workload Protection
As more workloads move to the cloud, there’s an increased focus on securing them differently. Here are some useful tips for developers to keep in mind as they explore workload protection strategies this year.
1. Streamline and Automate Your Protection Efforts When Possible
Succeeding with workload protection becomes easier when people use tools that allow monitoring regardless of location. Some products enable overseeing physical, cloud, and application workloads from a single console and making changes as necessary.
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The Debugger Checklist – Part I
I’m a disorganized person by nature. When I follow a process, it’s by habit and intuition. But when a debugging problem keeps me up at night and gets me to that state of mind where a career of raising sheep in New Zealand seems like an attractive option … That’s when I need to back off and walk through this process in an orderly fashion. This process never fails. When you walk through it, you can track any problem.
Now I’m going to skip a lot of common advice. Most debugging tutorials start with things that relate to a process: File an issue, reproduce as a test case, etc. I think there’s plenty written on that online. People use it as filler since they assume debugging is a simple process. It is sometimes, but as we will learn in this blog, there’s a lot of depth and breadth to this misleadingly simple process.
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Emerging EA Trend: Digital Twin of an Organization
The need to innovate and continuously change is a necessary survival skill for enterprises. How your organization executes that change is something that is unique to your organization. Keeping in touch with the newest ways of implementing change can be overwhelming, given that there are always new enterprise architecture trends vying for your attention. One that is particularly interesting to EA professionals is the digital twin of an organization (DTO).
A DTO is a dynamic software model of any organization. It relies on data to understand how an organization operationalizes its business model, connects with its current state, responds to changes, deploys resources, and delivers expected customer value.
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What Is Web Data Harvesting
Web data harvesting is the method of collecting organized web data in an automated way. It's likewise called web data scraping or web data extraction. The term data harvesting, or web data scraping, has reliably been a concern for site service providers and information publishers. As a modest and simple approach to collecting online data, the strategy is frequently utilized without permission to steal website data like text, photos, email addresses, and contact lists.
How To Use Web Data Harvesting
Data harvesting is the process to extract important information out of target websites and putting them into your database in an organized format. Data harvesting, hence, doesn't include algorithms, AI, nor measurements. Instead, it depends on computer programming like Python, R, Java, to work. Plus, data harvesting is more about being precise.
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Saturday, October 23, 2021
How To Copy Files From One Directory to Another in Java: Example
Hello folks. I have been programming in Java for a long time, and you won't believe it, but there was no file copy method in the Java API until Java 7. Our options were either to: write it ourselves using a FileInputStream, a FileOutputStream, and a buffer to copy bytes from one to the other; or, better yet, use the FileChannel.transferTo() method or the Apache Commons FileUtils, which was a lifesaver in those days and still is today.
JDK has evolved now, and you have a decent API to copy files from one directory to another. In this article, I'll show you both the pre-Java code for copying files from one directory to another as well post Java 7 code, which makes this task a lot easier.
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Increasing code quality with Hyperlambda
Fundamentally Hyperlambda is really just a Turing complete markup language, with some added capabilities resembling features from XSLT and XPath. You could argue Hyperlambda is the programming equivalent of YAML. On the index of "programming level abstractions" if we argue that CISC x86 assembly code is at level 1 (the bottom level) and C# and Java is at level 5, while Python and PHP are at level 10 - Hyperlambda is at level 100+ somewhere.
Of course, the point being, that 95% of the times you need a low level programming construct, Hyperlambda implicitly creates your C# objects and ties these together 100% correctly out of the box. This reduces the cognitive complexity of your resulting app's code by orders of magnitudes. To illustrate this difference, please have a look at the following code snippet taken from Microsoft's official documentation for how to correctly create an HTTP request from C#.
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