Saturday, October 23, 2021

Increasing code quality with Hyperlambda

Fundamentally Hyperlambda is really just a Turing complete markup language, with some added capabilities resembling features from XSLT and XPath. You could argue Hyperlambda is the programming equivalent of YAML. On the index of "programming level abstractions" if we argue that CISC x86 assembly code is at level 1 (the bottom level) and C# and Java is at level 5, while Python and PHP are at level 10 - Hyperlambda is at level 100+ somewhere.

Of course, the point being, that 95% of the times you need a low level programming construct, Hyperlambda implicitly creates your C# objects and ties these together 100% correctly out of the box. This reduces the cognitive complexity of your resulting app's code by orders of magnitudes. To illustrate this difference, please have a look at the following code snippet taken from Microsoft's official documentation for how to correctly create an HTTP request from C#.

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