Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Updating the Deprecated BIRT Custom Report Item "Rotated Text"


When I first started to work with BIRT, I was searching for tutorials and examples. That way I could explore the possibilities of the reporting framework, which is open source and based on Eclipse RCP. My goal wasn't only for creating fancy reports by learning the report design, but also extending the framework—like creating custom items that rendered SVG images and diagrams into the PDF export. The first two tutorials about creating custom report item in BIRT I could find under the following links:

I have used this examples in the year 2010 or 2011 but as you can see they are from 2008 and based on BIRT 2.3 and java 1.5. Because the examples are so old, they are also marked as deprecated. Searching again for this kind of example, I have not found anything similar and because of that, I have decided to update the example based on the newer Eclipse and Java version.

from Feed

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