Thursday, April 29, 2021

10-Year Open Source Story

From my first open-source project, I have developed or participated in a variety of open-source software. From the ignorance at the beginning to my startup of an open-source software company, then to making profits out of open-source software, I have learned a lot along the way. Therefore, I would like to share my experience and lessons learned with open-source software developers and authors.

Sustainable and Stable Income to Maintain Your Open Source Project

First of all, I want to share with you that to maintain open-source projects, you must find a sustainable model. Resources — for example, manpower, time, and money are consumed very quickly. If you can't find a sustainable development model, it will be difficult to stick to it simply because you love open-source and you have interest and enthusiasm about it. There is so many open-source software around the world, but the ones that can really become popular are rare. There are many models of sustainable development, such as going to a company that supports open-source software development, having a stable job and relatively spare time, and so on. The open-source author tried to start a business with open source software, and initially realized the importance of a profitable open-source software, which guaranteed our continuous investment and development.

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