Saturday, April 24, 2021

Magic Authentication and Authorisation

Magic was created to solve all the repetitive problems I experience in my day job. One of these problems happens to be authentication and authorisation, which is a problem you have to solve every time you create a new application. At this point some might argue that OAuth2 solves these problems, and while technically that is true, OAuth2 is also ridiculously complex and over engineered, and very easy to get wrong. And of course if you get your app's auth parts wrong, you might as well not have auth at all, since it exposes your apps for adversaries doing whatever they want to do with your app. Authorisation is one of those things together with cryptography you really should not solve yourself, unless you really know what you're doing. Watch the following video for a walkthrough of how the auth parts in Magic works.

User administration

As you can see in the above video, Magic contains a million parts helping you out with your authentication and authorisation requirements, such as the ability to lock users, implement double optin registrations, having users confirm their email address before being accepted into your site, resetting passwords, etc. In addition of course, the coolest parts is that the Magic Dashboard also contains high level UI components, allowing you to easily administrate your user database, such as illustrated below.

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