Thursday, April 22, 2021

Hybrid multi-cloud event mesh architectural design

This blog is part one of my three blogs on how to build a hybrid multi cloud event mesh with Camel. In this part I am going over what inspired me to do the demo, and architecturally how everything is put together. I will be using Red Hat OpenShift (Kubernetes) as the platform for my mesh. And using Kafka as the backbone to stream/persist events and last but not least using Apache Camel (in Red Hat Integration) to weave the mesh across Service Now, Amazon AWS,  Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Why hybrid multi cloud demo and challenges in it? 

The whole reason why I'm doing this is because I'm seeing trends from our customers. More than 50% of the CTO and architect we interview are moving at least part of the workload to either a single cloud or multiple clouds. And not surprisingly most would also have in-house data centers and purchase SaaS services. And it got me thinking, what are the possible ways to bridge and connect everything?  What are the challenges we will face when trying to connect the dots? 

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