Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What is AIOps or Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations? Top 10 AIOps Use Cases

What is AIOps

Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) involves using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies along with big data, data integration, and automation technologies to help make IT operations smarter and more predictive. AIOps complement manual operations with machine-driven decisions.

Types of AIOps Solutions

At a high level, AIOps solutions are categorized into two areas: domain-centric and domain-agnostic, as defined by Gartner. Domain-centric solutions apply AIOps for a certain domain like network monitoring, log monitoring, application monitoring, or log collection. You will often see monitoring vendors claim AIOps but primarily they are domain-agnostic, bringing the power of AI to the domain they manage. Domain-agnostic solutions operate more broadly and work across domains, monitoring, logging, cloud, infrastructure, etc., and they take data from all domains/tools and learn from this data to more accurately establishing patterns and inferences.

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