Wednesday, February 24, 2021

6 Best Practices to Improve Your Data Center Operations

In his article, ROI Valuation, The IT Productivity GAP, Erik Brynjolfsson states, “The critical question facing IT managers today is not, ‘Does IT pay off?’ but rather, ‘How can we best use computers?’” This is not a simple question for CTOs to answer because each data center and IT operation is unique, with a multitude of variables affecting the overall operation. Two different companies with almost identical IT ecosystems yet one might have a fraction of their competitor's productivity, argues Brynolfsson. However, there are several best practices that CTOs can follow to ensure their IT operation is efficient, running within capacity, and executing as productively as possible.  

1. Clean Up and Declutter 

“Cleanliness is godliness” as the old saying goes, and it could also be stress-relieving when it comes to IT. Servers and networking equipment all have set lifespans and old equipment should be decommissioned on a schedule defined by the manufacturers. Old equipment should be properly destroyed, recycled, or returned to the manufacturer, with all data wiped clean to ensure proper security. 

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