Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Cutting Across the Information Spaghetti: A Unified Approach

Today, the web is the most complex and challenging environment for businesses. After the arrival of Web 2.0, which provided interactive, content-rich internet, customers have grown to expect a certain agility and speed in their online experience, meaning any minor lag can cause steep losses for businesses.

"Slow is the new down" for online businesses. As many as 47 percent of online customers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less, and 52 percent of customers say they remain loyal to the site that loads the fastest. Further, a majority of customers abandon a website or app that takes more than three seconds to load, with 79 percent of customers never returning to a slow site after a bad experience. On top of this, around 43 percent of customers who encounter a bad experience while shopping online tell their friends and family about it. All of this highlights the implications your website's performance has on your business.

from Feed

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