Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Importance of Computer Ethics

The word ethics is coming up more and more often these days, driven by, among other things, the questions raised by artificial intelligence. This may seem essential, but it is a subject that all of us as computer scientists should have tackled much earlier.

Ethics — a Definition

If we had to settle for a simple definition, we could say that ethics is a philosophical discipline dealing with judgments. Ethics, therefore, differ from morality in the sense that morality is relatively defined, and potentially specific to each individual, whereas ethics consists precisely in studying and reflection to learn what is moral or not. The ethical approach can diverge even more widely between individuals than morality, in the sense that it is a question of defining not what is right or wrong, but of defining the intellectual framework within which we define what is right or wrong. This distinction is very important to make, in the sense that these two words are often confused with each other.

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